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The impacts of the pandemic lockdowns affected people all around the country and the world, but the most vulnerable Australians felt the combined pressure of mental health issues and financial stress. Symbols of Hope was proud to partner with City of Sydney, Lendlease and Oz Harvest to act in its small way to support those in need. In turn, it was wonderful to support our Impact Partners and their communities in their time of need. We are proud to still continue this legacy with key partners we still support today.


E M E R G E N C Y    F O O D   R E L I E F

If you are currently in need of basic food supplies and are a registered charity organisation, please complete your details below. If we are unable to assist you directly or you are not in an area we can reach, we can still refer you to other great emergency food providers and partners who may reach out directly.

Thanks for submitting! We will be in touch ASAP and send your information to the relevant partners.

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